A detailed review of the current state of the methodologies used in solution of EHL problems for line and point contacts as well as certain advantages and drawbacks of numerical and asymptotic methods are presented in preceding chapters. In addition to studies reviewed earlier it is necessary to mention numerical studies of the point EHL problem with skewed lubricant entrainment [1]-[5]. In these papers the EHL problem with skewed lubricant entrainment was solved numerically. The distributions of pressure and gap were obtained as well as a number of formulas for the film thickness were proposed. Also, in [3] a case of a ball involved in pure spin was considered but the convergence of the iteration process at high loads was poor. This chapter is devoted to the generalization of the results obtained in

Chapter 12 and application of the developed asymptotic approach to solution of the steady isothermal EHL problem for heavily loaded point contacts with skewed direction of entrained lubricant. The problem analysis will be done along the lines of the study conducted in Chapter 12. It is shown that the whole contact region can be subdivided into three subregions: the central one which is far away from the other two regions occupied by the ends of the horse-shoe shaped pressure/gap distribution (HSSPGD). The central region, in turn, can be subdivided into the Hertzian region and two adjacent boundary layers - the inlet and exit zones. Moreover, in the central region in the inlet and exit zones the EHL problem can be reduced to asymptotically valid equations identical to the ones obtained in the inlet and exit zones of heavily loaded line EHL contacts. These equations can be analyzed and numerically solved based on the stable methods using a specific regularization approach which were developed for lubricated line contacts. Cases of pre-critical and over-critical lubrication regimes are considered. The byproduct of this asymptotic analysis is an easy analytical derivation of formulas for the lubrication film thickness for pre-critical and over-critical lubrication regimes. The latter allows for simple analysis of the film thickness as a function of contact eccentricity and the

for Line and Point

direction of the entrained lubricant at the inlet in the contact.