Since there was so much success, there were many more opportunities to recognize the people creating the success. I know saying “thank you” should be intuitive, but for everyone, it does not come naturally. Ibought 2,000 thank you cards and was determined that they were going to be used. I started by placing a package on each of the desks in the administrative suite. Getting the administrators to complete the cards was easy. Most of them were really good about saying thank you. e managers were good about it, too. e managers found out I had the thank you cards, and they were approaching me asking for them. Half of the work was

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done. We needed to know they were writing them as well. In the hallways and work areas, you could overhear employees talking about receiving the cards. Now that administration and management were writing thank you cards, the last groups to focus on were at the director level and the front line thanking their peers.