It has to start somewhere, so I started with my department. Timing was perfect. Each year there is a week to celebrate the Business O°ce employees. It is typically just a routine celebration of cake and punch with an insigni›cant branded gift to commemorate the appreciation. I saw an opportunity to do something big this year! Business O°ce Week was coming up the next month. At the huddle, I asked the team how they would like to celebrate. I was made aware that in years past all patient access team members received a gift from the system with a tray of cookies. I agreed with them that gifts are nice, but I challenged them on what we could do

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to have fun together. One of them sarcastically said, “We could all go on a cruise together.” Well, they may not want to take on the challenge, but I am always up for one. I was going to take my entire department on a cruise without ever leaving dry ground and for under a thousand dollars!