Imaging of the urinary tract is performed to rule out anatomic abnormalities, urinary calculi and prostatic disease in males where infections can be chronically harbored. Imaging choices include ultrasound examination and contrast radiography such as excretory urography and cystography. Ultrasound is generally more useful for kidney, bladder and prostate evaluation; contrast radiography is most helpful for ureteral, bladder and urethral abnormalities. ii. The abnormality seen on the radiographs is a ureterocele. This is a cystic dilatation of the submucosal segment of the intravesicular ureter. iii. Treatment for this abnormality is by surgical resection of the affected ureter and bladder wall, and reimplantation of normal, more proximal ureter into the bladder wall further cranial. If concurrent generalized hydroureter and advanced hydronephrosis is present, nephroureterectomy is performed.