One can assess the quality of a drawing of a graph in many different ways. Many important criteria deal with the aesthetics, readability, of the drawing. For example, the size of the drawing, roughly measured as the ratio between the farthest two objects of the drawings and the closest two, is a measure of how much information can be displayed at one time. The aesthetic that is of biggest concern in this chapter is that of angular resolution. Essentially, we are concerned with how close together edges that stem from the same vertex are to each other. The smaller the angle the more likely are the chances that the distinct edges become one. Clearly, a high-degree vertex, one with many edges extending out of it, will inevitably have a small angle between at least one pair of edges. So, the goal is to make the resolution determined to some extent by the degree of the vertex. Optimizing angular resolution in drawings has been addressed by countless researchers.

The two approaches we focus on in this chapter are to draw the graph orthogonally, that is using only vertical and horizontal line segments for the edges. Orthogonal drawings have the benefit that the smallest angle is at most pi/2 and that the resulting graphs are often quite pleasing to the eye because of the few edge directions employed, but they also have the disadvantage that no vertex can have degree more than four. The study of orthogonal graphs also has the advantage of being of interest to VLSI design, because many wires are routed similarly. There are many different approaches to drawing orthogonal graphs. Early results draw the graph using few bends but sacrificed size or running-time efficiency. Improved techniques, involving computing a visibility representation, yielded orthogonal drawings in linear time with few bends and small size. By using network flows, we can draw

(embedded) graphs with the guaranteed minimum number of bends possible in the smallest area allowable, but the run-time performance goes up to near quadratic time.