Testing the planarity of a graph and possibly drawing it without intersections is one of the most fascinating and intriguing algorithmic problems of the graph drawing and graph theory areas. Although the problem per se can be easily stated, and a complete characterization of planar graphs has been known since 1930, the first linear-time solution to this problem was found only in the 1970s. Planar graphs play an important role both in the graph theory and in the graph drawing

areas. In fact, planar graphs have several interesting properties: for example, they are sparse and 4-colorable, they allow a number of operations to be performed more efficiently than for general graphs, and their inner structure can be described more succinctly and elegantly (see Section 1.2.2). From the information visualization perspective, instead, as edge crossings turn out to be the main reason for reducing readability, planar drawings of graphs are considered clear and comprehensible. In this chapter, we review a number of different algorithms from the literature for ef-

ficiently testing planarity and computing planar embeddings. Our main thesis is that all known linear-time planarity algorithms fall into two categories: cycle based algorithms and vertex addition algorithms. The first family of algorithms is based on the simple obser-

vation that in a planar drawing of a graph any cycle necessarily partitions the graph into the inside and outside portion, and this partition can be suitably used to split the embedding problem. Vertex addition algorithms are based on the incremental construction of the final planar drawing starting from planar drawings of smaller graphs. The fact that some algorithms were based on the same paradigm was already envisaged by several researchers [Tho99, HT08]. However, the evidence that all known algorithms boil down to two simple approaches is a relatively new concept. The chapter is organized as follows: Section 1.2 introduces basic definitions, properties,

and characterizations for planar graphs; Section 1.3 formally defines the planarity testing and embedding problems; Section 1.4 follows a historic perspective to introduce the main algorithms and a conventional classification for them. Some algorithmic techniques are common to more than one algorithm and sometimes to all of them. These are collected in Section 1.5. Finally, Sections 1.6 and 1.7 are devoted to the two approaches to the planarity testing problem, namely, the “cycle based” and the “vertex addition” approaches, respectively. Algorithms for constructing planar drawings of graphs are discussed in Chapters 6 (straight-

line drawings), 7 (orthogonal and polyline drawings), and 10 (rectangular drawings). Methods for reducing crossings in nonplanar drawings of graphs are discussed in Chapter 2.