Coverage provides both qualitative and quantitative time-dynamic analysis constrained to an Area Target, STK Object path, or Attitude Sphere. It analyzes by pair-wise comparison the intervisibility from an area of interest to a group of assets usually held within an STK Constellation Object. There are three separate forms of Coverage tools in version 9.n. First, the Coverage tool is found in the STK Objects/New Objects wizard. Secondly, the STK Object Coverage tool is found by right-clicking on the STK Object within the Object browser. Lastly, the Attitude Sphere Coverage tool is also found in the STK Objects/New Objects wizard, but in the Attached Objects section where the child objects are. These tools are primarily analytical and become visual with the statistical computation when combined with the Figure of Merit child tool. Coverage runs the Access algorithm much like the Access and Chain tools. Access determines intervisibility from the grid points to the assets it is evaluating.