This chapter presents all the issues and recommended policies. The outline of this chapter is illustrated in this chapter outline.

Overlay: The necessary policies for sustainability have been known for a long time. The principles are outlined in Chapter 27. The United States and other developed nations need to keep funding family planning processes in Africa and Asia, and need to apply a carbon tax to dampen demand for fossil fuels and at the same time put renewable energy sources on the same competitive level by putting a price on the use of the commons for dumping carbon pollution. Further R&D into additional improvements in existing renewable sources of energy

As mentioned in the quote at the beginning of this chapter, any scenario that includes continuing growth in population is bound to fail; it is not sustainable. Increased effort is essential to provide education and access to family planning in the less-developed world-Africa in particular and parts of Asia. Women need to be educated and have access to family planning tools so that they have the option of choosing the size of family they want. This should be an individual family decision, not that of a government. The CO2 emissions causing climate change are driven by the desires of the population for energy for basic needs, and to increase their standard of living. Government policies need to be addressed to reduce population growth in order to reduce demand for energy and to reduce emissions.