Communication begins with listening and listening well. Ensuring what someone has to say and understanding what they said is key to having an effective response (Figure 1.1). In order to respond in an engaging fashion, the recipient must know that you truly heard what they had to say and are not simply speaking what you wanted to say. Reiterating what the person has to say before responding shows the person that you truly heard them and are paying attention to them. People in general like attention and being attended to. When you respond in a fashion that their words matter and make a difference, you impact that person. Asking questions about the comments made also show the person that you are looking to have a conversation with them. Ensuring the questions do not have a negative connotation shows the positivity that the conversation can bring and will make the person want to engage back into the conversation. A person’s tone can tell a lot about the conversation as well. It is important to see that someone is interested in having a conversation before continuing in the conversation. If the person is distracted or busy, the conversation will end up being meaningless and unproductive. If the conversation is important and will take more time than a few moments, it is important to ensure etiquette and ask the person for their time before starting a conversation. It is not impolite to tell someone that you do not have the time at the moment, as long as another time to have the conversation is given. Letting the person know that the conversation is important to you is also important so the recipient does not feel slighted.