Arguably the most important goal of any scientific discipline is to develop the mathematical tools necessary for modeling and prediction. Models that accurately describe the world around us are retained; those that do not, are discarded or modified. From a modeling perspective we typically divide the world into two types of phenomena: those that are deterministic and those that are probabilistic. Deterministic models are those that can be used to predict, with near certainty, the outcome of a given experiment. Using Newton’s laws of motion, for example, we can predict the exact time it will take for a ball of lead to fall to the ground when released from a height of d meters. Newton’s laws tell us that the ball, when released from rest, will accelerate at 9.81m/s2 so that the time to reach ground is found through basic calculus to be

√ 2d/9.81

seconds. On the other hand, there are certain phenomena that defy a deterministic

description. We cannot predict whether or not the flipping of a fair coin, for example, will result in a “head” or a “tail.”1 Intead we use a probabilistic model to describe the outcome of this experiment. The goal of the probabilistic model is not to predict a specific outcome, but rather to predict the likelihood or probability of a given outcome. Understanding probabilistic modeling is essential to understanding entropy. In fact, as we will show, entropy relies on a probabilistic description of an event. We will also show that entropy is itself a predictive tool that can be used to forecast limits on rates of communication between two devices, predict the amount of compression possible in a piece of data, or even assess the degree of statistical dependence among two or more experimental observations.