While Chapter 1 highlighted some of China’s targeting of the United States-and our own concerns because of China’s voracious and unbridled lust for technical secrets-all companies and even individuals must be very aware that China doesn’t just target the United States, but other nations as well. Additionally, these other nations, allies and enemies alike, also target everyone else in their quest for economic and military information. As such, we are not alone in being mined for our information. China may target a specific company, a branch of an American company in another country, or a wholly owned company in another country that may or may not use a US product, technique, have patent rights to produce the product in their country, or even have “leased” intellectual property rights for a product. In some instances, it is easier to obtain the same or similar information from another country where protective security measures are not as tight. In such cases, it is easier to target the same information in the foreign country because the company holding the information has different standards of security.