Experimental verification of assumptions and results should be understood in a broader sense, that is, not only as laboratory tests. Often, an expensive laboratory experiment can be substituted by a mental experiment, which is often applied on the basis of experience and knowledge, when one wishes to resolve something quickly. When investigating new objects or phenomena, except of a system approach, it is often more advantageous to begin from experiments. One should always remember that “time is money” and both theoretical and experimental investigations should be accurate, but rapid. The theory of similarity has gained a broad application in model investigations in electrothermal technology, hydrodynamics, aerodynamics in electrodynamics, and others. At model investigations or testing of electrodynamic systems, such as elements of electric machines and transformers, bus-bar systems, as well as at investigation of transformers and reactors for power systems, the power factors can be very small, down to 0.001 or less.