Chapter 10 between mining and distributed, heterogeneous, and legacy databases. Chapter 11 described relationships between mining and multimedia data. Chapter 12 described relationships between mining and the world wide web, which include digital libraries and Internet databases. That is, many of the technologies discussed in the framework of Figure A-5 have been useful in the discussion of mining. These include database systems, distributed database systems, interoperability of heterogeneous database systems, migrating legacy databases, multimedia database systems, data warehousing, and digital libraries and Internet database management. In addition, some other features for data management such as metadata, security, and logic programming also play a role in various chapters of this book. For example, metadata and mining was the subject of Chapter 14. Security and privacy issues were the subject of Chapter 13. Logic programming as a data mining technique was the subject of Chapter 8. Therefore, much of the discussions in this book have a strong orientation toward data and data management.