Pigmentation disorders of the skin are common, and although this condition often does not affect patients’ physical health, many patients are greatly affected psychologically [1].

There are different modalities for skin hyperpigmentation. This can be categorized into two major groups: (1)  chemical agents and (2) physical therapies [2-4]. Examples of the most commonly used chemical agents are hydroquinone (HQ), arbutin, kojic acid, ascorbic acid, and its derivatives, and examples of physical therapies are cryotherapy with liquid nitrogen, laser surgery, chemical peeling, and super-cial dermabrasion [5,6]. Though multiple interventions are available, chemical agents remain as a mainstay of the approach to treat abnormal hyperpigmentation of the skin, such as melasma, freckles, and actinic lentigines in a clinical setting, as well as in the cosmetic eld for individuals who wish to lighten their skin color. The efcacy, mechanism, and safety of these modalities have been extensively reviewed [7]. This chapter aims to discuss various types of skin whitening agents that are commonly used and report on current ndings of potential skin whitening agents.