Hey, believe it or not, some of us still print out maps from time to time! What are some of the things to keep in mind when designing for static map media? How will your map be viewed, on a digital device or on paper? What  image format would be best for exporting? Will it be printed on a large-format plotter? Will it be saved as a JPEG for a slide presentation? What resolution and other exporting options ought to be considered? The answers to these questions about static maps influence map design from the very beginning. That’s why this section of this chapter, which deals with these formatting and exporting types of questions, is good to read through at the beginning of the map design process just to get an idea of what things to look out for in general. With the general concepts safely stowed in your memory, you can then refer back to this chapter for specific design and export tips while you are knee-deep in a map product design.