Even if we would tell that we were working to achieve the big picture of which we believed at that time it was a “fata morgana,” we had to start making solar cells and modules and find an immediate market where they could be used and sold to pay for our expenses. Each silicon solar cell when illuminated produces about 0.5 V electricity. We have seen that by connecting the photovoltaic (PV) cells in series the resulting output voltage is going to add up. Thirty-six cells connected in a series will be useful to recharge a 12 V lead-acid battery. If a higher voltage is needed, PV modules can be connected in series. Obviously the power output, as described, will depend on the size and efficiency of the cell and the intensity of the light. This solar module can then operate light bulbs or other electric systems. Solar cells/modules are very simple to use as compared to most other energy sources. A solar electric system has to be set up outdoors facing south (on the southern hemisphere facing north) it has no moving parts and requires little maintenance, if any.