We all know that manual derivation of solutions to mathematical problems is a useful skill when the problems are not so complicated. However, for a great variety of mathematical problems, manual solutions are laborious or even not possible. Thus computers must be employed for solving these problems. There are basically two ways in solving these problems by computers. One is to verbally implement the existing numerical algorithms using general purpose computer languages such as Fortran or C. The other way is to use specific computer languages with a good reputation. These languages include MATLAB, Mathematica and Maple. In this book, they are referred to as the computer mathematics languages. The numerical algorithms can only be used to handle computation problems by numbers, while for problems like to find the solutions to the symbolic equation x3 + ax + c = d, where a, c, d are not given numerical values but symbolic variables, the numerical algorithms cannot be used. The computer mathematics languages with symbolic computation capabilities should be used instead.