There is no simple and uniform way to achieve a high standard. Throughout the we will see how different contribute to our understanding of accidents occur and how to prevent them. The intention is not to search for a unifying but rather to show the distinct characteristics of each the from each of them. To demonstrate the and to the reader in recognising the we will here look into four different approaclles, each from its own We will later some of them further and present alternative ones get a more

The accidents 1-h """0 h mam behind

influences from the environment th"",,,,h accident prev,cntlCll1 nnrnCln sources in environment. between the hazards the potei1t1al

There is no need for a SHE information system in an ideal production system where all hazards have been eliminated or surrounded by durable and efficient barriers. In practice, this situation never occurs. Energy is needed for production purposes and SHE practice is an act of balancing between different SHE and economic goals. Production systems change and new hazards are introduced. Barriers are full of 'holes' or even lacking (Reason, 1997).