Routes of drug administration are the means by which a drug is taken into the body to exert its effect. The speed and amount of effect for a given dose may be modified by the different routes used for the same drug. For medical drugs there are three main routes of drug administration: topical, enteral and parenteral. Topical administration refers to when the drug is applied directly to the area where it is needed. This may be onto a skin surface or onto a cavity lining a structure (e.g. the nose and mouth). The enteral (intestinal) route of drug administration involves the drug being introduced into the intestinal (digestive) tract, which may involve taking the drug orally, infusing it, injecting it via a tube through the nose or mouth, or using suppository or enematype applications. The third main medical route is parenteral. Parenteral administration covers the various types of injections and infusions (subcutaneous, intravenous and intramuscular).