The presentation herein deals principally with the formulation of expressions for p-y curves for soils and rock under both static and cyclic loading. A number of fundamental concepts are presented that are relevant to any method of analyzing piles. Chapter 1 demonstrated the concept of the p-y method, and this chapter will present details to allow the computation of the behavior of a pile under a variety of conditions. More than in any other deep foundation problem, the solution for a pile under

lateral loading is arduous because a successful analysis is sensitive to the stress-strain characteristics of the soil around the pile shaft. Among the concepts presented in Chapter 1 was the principle that the soil-reaction modulus is not a soil parameter, but that it depends on soil resistance and pile deflection. For a given soil profile, the soil-reaction modulus is influenced intrinsically by the following variables:

– pile type and flexural stiffness, – short term, long term, or cyclic loading, – pile geometry, – pile tip and pile cap conditions, – slope of the ground at the pile, – pile installation procedure, and – pile batter.