Many businesses fail if they do not plan the fi nancial aspects of a busi-ness well. Sound planning is necessary for all fi nancial commitments. This includes continuous monitoring of fi nancial position, maintaining a healthy cash fl ow, synchronizing growth with fi nancial position, and planning future development based on fi nances. Thus how fi nances are managed and appropriately used decides the profi tability of a business. Franchising requires investment from all pa rties, fi rst from franchisors and later from franchisees. For franchisors the investment is primarily due to developing concept and subsequent research and building a prototype of the restaurant. In addition, the preparation of legal documents, marketing, and getting ready

“In all years that I have been involved in franchising, I have seen change after change, obstacle after obstacle, but nothing has deterred this popular method of doing business from its successful course. As we look to the future, we see even more opportunity for continued success.”