In “Facilitating for Results,” the facilitator should be the process expert. This differs from being the functional (marketing, human resources, operations and production, stores and materials, accounting, etc.) experts, which is represented by the team leader and team members. If you are facilitating an organization that is developing a strategic plan, the facilitator must know the different components that comprise the strategic plan and what actions, information, and data need to be considered and used in each development step. For example, for the customer’s voice, what data and information does the company have? Do they have a Customer Satisfaction Survey? Has it been administered annually? What has been the trend? Are we improving and if not, why? Does the company have a Customer Profile database? What is the mission? Has this been approved by the board of directors or has any mission statement been officially approved? If not, what should a good mission statement include? What is our vision? Do we have one and what period of time does it cover, and is it what the leaders want the company to become? Is it long-reaching and compelling? What are our values and guiding principles? What should our goals be for the next five years? What should the strategic plan developers consider in establishing the goals? How do goals and objectives differ? Which comes first? Has a SWOT (strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats) analysis been accomplished? If not, then do one with appropriate participants and use in the strategic planning process.