Capabilities are those entities that form the heart and soul of a business. Without proper capabilities, it may be very tedious for an organization to conduct day-to-day business operations. Capabilities also form the essential components of a business process, to ensure maximized productivity, stability, durability, and steadfastness of business functions. In essence, capabilities mean many things to people in different industries. For business, capability means abilities that are acquired and are applied at their workplaces. It may include a series of knowledge pools and skill sets required to run, manage, and administer numerous business processes. In some domains, capabilities may also include wisdom and knowledge acquired because of years of experience; more often, a person is said to be capable when he or she has the required abilities to perform certain things or actions. Capabilities are always enduring and persisting in their nature; once you acquire capabilities in a given domain, it is almost certain that you will be capable to excel in that domain for life.