Shortness of breath is a symptom common to all acute respiratory disorders and encompasses a wide spectrum, from patients who are ‘a little’ out of breath to patients who are significantly unwell requiring immediate treatment. Assessing this group of patients may vary significantly depending on whether or not there is a diagnosis in place. Patients with acute asthma may deteriorate rapidly. Inform a senior at an early stage. Establish if the patient has previously required admission to the intensive care unit/high dependency unit and observe closely. Many patients with an exacerbation of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease develop type 2 respiratory failure. However, it should be emphasized that this is a rare phenomenon, and all acutely unwell patients should receive high-flow oxygen in the resuscitation phase of their care. When medical therapy and supplemental oxygen fail to treat the underlying respiratory problem, patients are often escalated to a critical care environment where different forms of respiratory support may be used.