Odors are pervasive throughout the globe. Primarily, odors are either chemical or organic. Typically, chemical odors are the result of industrial activity, including from

• Pulp and paper mills • Wood treatment plants • Petroleum facilities • Pesticide and fertilizer plants • Incineration facilities

Organic odors usually result from

• Wastewater treatment plants • Septage and sewage • Composting facilities • Landfills and open dumps • Land application of wastes • Animal farms, especially large concentrations of animals • Human and animal discharge to fields, streets, and open areas • Garbage discharged in streets

What makes some of the odors from solid waste? Odorants result from the decomposition of organic matter, primarily containing sulfur and nitrogen. What is the difference between an odor and an odorant? The term odor refers to the perception experienced when one or more chemicals come in contact with receptors on olfactory nerves. An odorant refers to any chemical in the air that is part of the perception of odor (McGinley and McGinley 1999).