During the past decades, Construction and Demolition (C&D) waste issues have received increasing attention from both practitioners and researchers around the world (Weisheng Lu, 2011). Also with the increasing recognition of sustainable development as an important value, a diversity of industries, including the construction sector, have been taking action to promote sustainable development (Yuan, H. 2013). This raises the need for proper (C&D) waste management.Recycled concrete aggregate used in construction applications and especially in asphalt concrete mixtures is the focus of this study and can be considered asa type of engineering waste management. Several researches have been studying the implementation effects of adding the (RCA) as a material in pavement mixtures in order to produce more sustainable asphalt mixtures. In this study, a design of asphalt reclaimed concrete aggregate mixtures will be derived with an optimum percentage of (RCA) that meets local specifications and the asphalt institute manual MS-02 using the Marshall Mix design method.