This chapter presents perspectives on current consumer behavior in the fashion eld. It describes and shows in gures the unsustainable practices of overproducing and consuming fashion and their consequences and impacts on the environment. The chapter describes the meaning of fashion consumption to Western consumers. Further, it explains how fast design and manufacturing practices lead to unsustainable consumption patterns: impulse shopping, overconsumption, very short use time of garments, and consumers’ constant need for change and novelty. Overconsumption and constant growth in fashion consumption lead to an increase in textile waste in all Western countries. Further, the chapter discusses who to blame for the current unbalanced situation, whether green taxation should be developed or more information provided to consumers to inuence their behavior, and what would be the best practices for transforming the current situation. Finally, the text shows how it is possible to change the situation and transform consumption toward sustainable practices through design strategies and rethinking value creation.