The progress of the nanofabrication technology is remarkable especially in this decade. In this chapter, recent nanofabrication and nanoimprint technology is introduced as the basis of nanoimprint biosensor. 1.1 Nanofabrication TechnologyThe invention of the Schottky diode has changed the world of electric and electronic products and devices as it proved that the miniature tool can be alternative to the traditional vacuum bulb. It, furthermore, proved that the small-sized and integrated com-ponents can control the electrons at much higher frequency with much lower power consumption. Since 1970s, LSI (large-scale inte-gration), in which more than one thousand functional elements are integrated in one device, has been developed keenly. One of the most important characteristics of LSI is that the smaller the device is, the more merits are provided. When the size of the device becomes k times smaller, • The planar dimension of the device can be 1/k2. • The delay time to control the electrons can be 1/k. • The power consumption can be 1/k2.