Meanwhile, visualization experts have always aspired to realistic or physically plausible rendering. To achieve this, physically based methods have been proposed recently [Kroes 12] and an open-source project, Exposure Render [Exposure 14], does a good job for that. However, due to the steep computational demands of such physically based methods, these algorithms have not so far been implemented on computationally limited platforms such as WebGL. The fairly simple unlit volume rendering typically implemented

17.1 Introduction 17.2 Why WebGL? 17.3 WebGL and Volume Rendering 17.4 The Volumetric Lighting Model 17.5 Volumetric Lighting Techniques 17.6 WebGL Implementation 17.7 Experimental Results and Performance Assessment 17.8 Conclusion and Future Work 17.9 Additional Resources Bibliography

for WebGL lacks spatial information, which makes differentiation between near and far areas impossible. High-quality physically plausible volume rendering remains a challenge for WebGL.