Feedback regarding the quality of engineers' performance level could be derived from several sources. The first is engineers' own sensory awareness. Try to monitor their speaking volume, clarity, rate, and so on. Having built engineers' presentation and its associated materials, it’s time to optimize prior to the big event. The basic approach is to rehearse, evaluate, tweak engineers' materials, and repeat. There may be times when engineers sense the audience attempting to hijack engineers' presentation. As a result of rehearsal and subsequent evaluation, engineer may be realizing a need to change certain things. The chapter examines some typical and important possibilities: subject grasp: base knowledge, detailed familiarity, access under pressure; and materials: slides, pointer, apparel, demo equipment. These also include: delivery rate: volume, eye contact; and venue: acoustics, lighting, projection equipment. A good technical presenter has the depth of knowledge required to clarify technical terminology with concrete examples and vivid illustrations.