Method ..............................................................................................124 5.10.3 Fe(II), NH4, Mn(II), and PO4 Removal ............................................ 125 5.10.4 As(III) Oxidation and As Removal .................................................. 126

5.11 Phytoremediation for Arsenic Removal by Aquatic Macrophytes ............... 126

Arsenic poisoning through drinking water is a matter of worldwide concern. In Southeast Asia (Bangladesh, Vietnam, West Bengal, Nepal, Cambodia, and Mongolia), over 100 million people consume water with arsenic over the WHO, U.S., and European Union (EU) limits of 10 µg/L. In the United States, more than 13 million people, mostly in western states, consume drinking water with more than 10 µg As/L. In Europe, many regions are affected by elevated arsenic concentrations (Hungary, Romania, Greece, Spain, Finland, and Germany). Table 5.1 shows the most severe cases of arsenic contamination in the world and Table 5.2 the most prominent cases of arsenic contamination in European countries [1,2].