The three Rs: reduce, reuse, and recycle, which have found important applications in cleaner technology. The idea is if waste is reduced, reused, or recycled, the environmental problems of waste can at least partially be solved. To solve the waste problems by use of the three Rs is a very important consideration when we have to develop holistic, integrated environmental management, but it is furthermore important to integrate environmental management with resource management, because we use the same method to solve a waste  problem and a resource problem, since when the waste is reduced, reused, or recycled, we reduce the use of resources. Thus, environmental management and resource management become two sides of the same coin. So, the results of the methods mentioned in Chapter 13 can be viewed from two different angles:  pollution abatement and longer duration of resources. The methods were in the chapter presented as environmental management tools, because it is probably the primary aim by using the presented methods, but the reduced use of resources is an additional very important advantage.