In Chapter 1, we mentioned that the field of spatial statistics draws from statistics, mathematics, and related disciplines. Several of the techniques in spatial analysis are variants of traditional procedures used in these fields with added dimensions and modifications to cope with the unique properties of spatial data. The foundation for statistical measures and knowledge was laid through the work of well-known statisticians (Varberg 1963; David 1998), including Ronald Fisher (experimental design, analysis of variance, and likelihood-based methods), Karl Pearson (Pearson’s chi-square test), Francis Galton (correlation and regression), Gertrude Cox (experimental design), Frank Yates (experimental design and Yates’ algorithm), Kirstine Smith (optimal design theory), John Tukey (exploratory data analysis and graphic presentation of data), William Sealy Gosset (Student’s t-test), and George E. P. Box (experimental design, quality control, and time series analysis).