WISLER 25.02. 1881 Nappanee IN/USA 24.12. 1961 Ann Arbor MI/USA Chester Owen Wisler obtained his BCE in 1913 and the MSE in 1915 from the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor MI. He commenced an instructorship at his Alma Mater, later becoming a professor of civil engineering, which has been considered of notably high quality and had profoundly contributed to the Faculty. In the affairs of the University and of his College he has participated effectively through his membership on numerous committees, among which his service as a Board member of Directors of the Michigan Union, and as its financial secretary. Wisler had been a loyal and valued faculty member. An excellent teacher, he maintained an active connection with the professional practice by serving as consultant on the water power and flood study problems to numerous organisations in the Michigan region. He was wider known in the US by several publications in the mentioned fields. The book Hydrology co-authored by Ernest Frederick Brater (1912-2003) includes chapters on runoff, floods, and streamflow records. Wisler also supported Horace Williams King (1874-1951) in writing the well-known book Hydraulics, one of the key publications in the early 20th century. The 1942 paper describes the successful use of a direct method in flood routing, which depends mainly on the availability of streamflow records during a flood at various points of the main stream. No cross-sections of stream channels or flow velocities are required, however, nor discharge records on all of the tributaries. An inflow hydrograph from the unmeasured area may directly be computed. This discharge and that at each of the upstream stations is then routed downstream. These discharges indicate the extent to which each of the upper tributaries contribute to the flood peak at each downstream point. A check on the accuracy of the results was provided by adding the routed discharges and comparing the resulting hydrograph with the actual records. Not only for his attainments as engineer and teacher of several generations of engineers, but also by its many excellent qualities of character and personality, Wisler merited the friendship and respect accorded him by his students and colleagues. Anonymous (1951). Chester Owen Wisler. Regents’ Proceedings (June 1): 1334. P Jania, K. (2011). Chester Owen Wisler. Personal communication. P King, H.W., Wisler, C.O. (1922). Hydraulics. Wiley: New York. Wisler, C.O., Brater, E.F. (1942). A direct method of flood routing. Trans. ASCE 107: 1519-1562. Wisler, C.O., Brater, E.F. (1949). Hydrology. Wiley: New York, 2nd ed. in 1959. https://um2017.org/faculty-history/faculty/chester-owen-wisler/memoir P

WISNER G.M. 09.02. 1870 Detroit MI/USA 26.08. 1932 Chicago IL/USA George Monroe Wisner graduated in 1892 with the BSc degree in civil engineering from University of Michigan, Ann Arbor MI. He joined in 1894 the Sanitary District of Chicago, having charge of the hydraulic and design work until 1897, dredging and docking of the Chicago River until 1901, directing then all the construction work including coffer dams and the water power development, becoming then in 1909 chief engineer. During his professional career, Wisner was connected throughout with the Sanitary District, from 1909 mainly with operation and work in maintenance. When Chicago grew rapidly between 1900 and 1910, Wisner foresaw the necessity of sewage treatment to supplement the existing dilution system. He convinced the Board of Trustees to study a sanitary program, securing in 1909 a test station for domestic sewage. He also initiated the Sanitary Engineering Staff, equipped with a laboratory to handle the biological, bacterial, and chemical problems. He thereby developed a keen interest in sewage treatment, as was then practised in the USA and abroad. In 1910 he visited England, France and Germany to inspect their sewage works. In 1911 he reported to the Board of Trustees on sewage disposal works for the Sanitary District, so that the Des Plaines River Sewage Treatment Works and the Calumet Sewage Treatment Works were designed, the first units of the system. He also was one of the witnesses in the case of the USA versus the Sanitary District, and later in the hearings before the Rovers and Harbours Committee of Congress, becoming an expert in these matters. He resigned as chief engineer with the Sanitary District in 1920, entering then into private practice, but he was retained by the District as a consultant until his death. During this period he conducted harbour works in Labrador, dock work and shore protection in Florida, and drainage work in Cook County IL. His loyalty to his associates brought him enduring friendships. His ability to judge men quickly and strip matters presented for his decision to the essentials made him an effective executive. He possessed tact and an excellent business ability combined with engineering talent. He was member of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers ASME, and the Society of Civil Engineers ASCE. Anonymous (1933). George M. Wisner. Trans. ASCE 98: 1662-1664. Wisner, G.M. (1911). Report on sewage disposal. Sanitary District: Chicago IL. Wisner, G.M. (1917). Report relating to existing lake levels. Sanitary District: Chicago IL. https://www.historicbridges.org/bridges/browser/?bridgebrowser=illinois/evanstonrr/ P