Clinical Co-Management is a story without an ending. Once put into place, a Clinical Co-Management Agreement (CCMA) is continually evolving, with performance, metrics, and goals being reevaluated, redefined, and reaffirmed on an annual basis. If one of the goals of healthcare is to continually improve upon the process and delivery of medicine, including increasing quality and efficiency, evaluation must likewise evolve. The process of entering into a CCMA serves as the beginning point moving from fragmentation to coordination. Once the initial pitfalls are overcome, the real source of strength of Clinical Co-Management comes from the Joint Councils, in which a platform for the exchange of information is created between hospitals and physicians. The future is bright indeed for Clinical Co-Management. Few alternative payment and delivery mechanisms offer both the data-backed, concrete levels of verifiable trust between parties and the flexibility to annually reevaluate performance, goals, and direction like Clinical Co-Management can and has done time and time again.