C6H12 O6 + 6 O2 → 6 CO2 + 6 H2 O + 673 kcal This respiration is promoted both by temperature and moisture, the latter being more important. A convenient way to measure the rate of respiration is to measure the evolution of carbon dioxide. The rate of evolution of carbon dioxide nearly doubles with each increase of 10°C in temperature. But the effect of moisture is more prominent. At 38°C and 13% moisture, the amount of CO2 released per 100 g of rice is approximately 0.5 mg per day. But at 17% moisture with the same temperature, the amount of CO2 now released is 18 mg (Fig. 4.1). This fact shows the pronounced effect of moisture and also the self-accelerating nature of the process. For the products of respiration (heat and moisture) are both precisely those that promote further their respiration. One should note here that it is not only the grain but also the associated insects and moulds that respire in the same manner.