The macroscopic behavior of magnetic materials can be classified using a few magnetic parameters. There are some other types of magnetic materials apart from the three classes of diamagnets, paramagnets, and ferromagnets. From bulk magnetic measurements, the ferrimagnets are indistinguishable from ferromagnets, while the antiferromagnets and helimagnets were for many years mistaken for paramagnets. At constant temperature and for relatively low values of magnetic field, the magnetic susceptibilities of diamagnets and paramagnets are constant. There is an increasing use of paramagnetic materials in electron spin resonance for the purpose of measuring magnetic fields in which the magnetic properties of the material are already well characterized. The permeability of a ferromagnet is not constant as a function of magnetic field in the way that the permeability of a paramagnet is. The suitability of ferromagnetic materials for applications is determined principally from characteristics shown by their hysteresis loops.