If sufficient amount of balanced fertiliser is not applied to the plants, they will fail to produce fruit or give meagre fruiting. Adequate and efficient manuring of young and mature trees is essential to maintain the health of papaya and to obtain profitable yield. It starts from raising the seedlings in the nursery for the production of vigorous healthy plants. During preparation of nursery bed, 20.0 kg fine compost should be applied in each nursery bed measuring 3.0 × 1.0 m. After germination, where the seedlings are one month old, application of liquid solution of fertiliser ratio 10:10:10 produce healthy seedlings, especially in poor soils. Both organic and inorganic manures are beneficial to the papaya plants. Organic manures like, farmyard manure (FYM), sheep manure, neem cake, wood ash and bonemeal improve yield and quality of papaya fruits. Hence manuring in papaya should be half from the organic manures and half from the chemical fertilisers. Papaya responds well to the application of biofertilisers (Azotobactor and Azospirillum), and organic manures (vermicompost at 20 kg/plant) improve yield and quality of fruits.