While the details of the study are reported throughout the book, in true business-focused fashion, we are going to start with the end. This chapter will provide a brief summary (an executive summary of sorts) of just the top-level findings of the investigation. Each of these topics will be more thoroughly discussed within the ensuing chapters. You may find, as you read through this chapter, that you do not believe what we are telling you, but when you read the subsequent chapters, you may change your mind. You may be able to see why we are making the statements we are making and recognize the reasoning. At the very least, you will be able to see where we were coming from so that you can dispute our conclusions based upon knowing the facts. (Of course, you can dispute our conclusions without knowing the facts-you would not be the first to do so-but then we can feel free to dismiss your dispute since it would be based on ignorance, not reasoned conclusions.) If you see the same facts that we do, and still dispute our conclusions, that is a good conversation to have.