A new surge of interest in utilizing “greener” materials such as natural bers (NFs) in place of synthetic bers has again put natural ber composite (NFC) into the spotlight. The growing consumer awareness along with increased commercial demand to use greener materials has led to new innovations and new applications. The use of NF in a range of industrial applications has increased considerably in recent years. The NFs are used in combination with synthetic as well as biodegradable polymers, both thermoplastic and thermosetting type, for various applications. NFCs have found application in a number of diverse sectors ranging from automotive and construction industries, to packaging and leisure-based products. In 2012, the European Union (EU) reported production of 350,000 t of wood and NFC. The most important application sectors are construction (decking, siding, and fencing) and automotive

12.1 Introduction .................................................................................................. 319 12.2 Historical Applications of Natural Fiber Composites .................................. 320 12.3 State-of-the-Art Applications of Natural Fiber Composites......................... 320

12.3.1 Structural Applications of Natural Fiber Composites ...................... 321 12.3.2 Applications in the Automotive Industry ......................................... 326 12.3.3 Applications in Marine Environments ............................................. 331 12.3.4 Packaging .......................................................................................... 331 12.3.5 Medical Uses .................................................................................... 334

12.4 Challenges of Research and Development ................................................... 335 12.5 Future Trends ................................................................................................ 336 12.6 Conclusions ................................................................................................... 337 Acknowledgments .................................................................................................. 337 References .............................................................................................................. 338

interior parts. Between 10% and 15% of the total European composite market are covered by wood-plastic composites (WPCs) and NFC [1]. In recent times, many companies have shifted their focus to using NFs that weigh less, are durable and efcient, have high specic strength properties, cost less, are neutral to CO2, are recyclable and biodegradable, can be separated easily, have low density, and contain desirable physical properties. These features give NF great advantages compared with traditional bers, such as carbon or glass.