One-piece flow is initially totally counterintuitive for just about all of us, which leads us to somewhat of a paradox. Once you “get” the one-piece flow paradigm, everything necessary to support and sustain one-piece flow makes perfect sense. In fact (and it is so odd to experience this over and over again), once people “get it,” they ironically are unable to comprehend why no one else seems to “get it,” because now, to them, it seems like common sense.*

It takes an awakening or epiphany, some event or situation, to trigger each of us to “get it.”† Most of us who have “gotten it,” can remember back to the trigger; video, book,

benchmarking another company, training session, etc. Sometimes, maybe it took all of these to eventually help us see the light. If you are like me, you know that once we “got it,” “it” was so clear and bright.