Metabolic syndrome is a cluster of abnormalities characterized by central adiposity, hypertension, dyslipidemias, high fasting plasma glucose, insulin resistance, and low-grade inammation (Cornier et al. 2008). There are a number of dietary treatments that can reduce one or more of these metabolic problems, including low-carbohydrate diets (Al-Sarraj et al. 2009), the Mediterranean diet (Jones et  al. 2011), or weight loss interventions (Elizondo-Montemayor et  al. 2013). Some dietary components have also been shown to target specic metabolic abnormalities; for example, grapes reduce blood pressure (Barona et  al. 2012), fatty sh reduces plasma triglycerides and inammatory markers (Klemsdal et al. 2010), and moderate wine consumption has been shown to increase plasma HDL-cholesterol (HDL-C) (Koppes et al. 2005). The focus of this chapter will be the effects of eggs in improving dyslipidemias and increasing reverse cholesterol transport (RCT), as well as reducing inammation and insulin resistance across populations, with an emphasis on individuals with metabolic syndrome.