The visual field assessment plots the central and/or peripheral field of vision. The majority of the retinal nerve fibres transmit information from the central visual field: 60%–70% of them serve the central 30 degrees. The Esterman programme can be used for driving visual field assessments and may be performed as a binocular or monocular test depending on the patient’s visual status in either eye. Functional visual loss may be purposeful or psychological in which the patient truly believes that there is a problem with their vision. The choice between static and kinetic perimetry is a consideration when assessing visual fields in children. In general, homonymous hemianopic or quadrantanopic visual field defects will be recorded by both monocular threshold and binocular Esterman tests. A good field of vision is also required and accurate and reliable assessment of the visual field is important to ascertain whether the degree of visual field meets the requirements for driving.