Presently, the use and success of molecular markers is enormous, and in the near future the explosion in marker development will continue. It is expected that molecular markers will serve as a potential tool to mycologists to evaluate and to manipulate the fungal genome to create as desired and needed by the society. The identification of fungi is a continuous and a complex process. Furthermore, these techniques have just begun to disclose the correct identity of fungal diversity, in that, the absolute majority of fungi still await discovery and formal description. In recent years, genetic polymorphism at the DNA sequence level has provided a large number of marker techniques in different fields of applications. This has, in turn, prompted further consideration for the potential utility of these markers in fungal identification. However, in genetic improvement

utilization of marker-based information is depends on the selection of the molecular marker for particular application. The degree of polymorphism, skill or expertise available, possibility of automation, radioisotopes used, reproducibility of the technique and the cost involved in the analysis are the key factors involving in the selection of markers for different application (Alim et al., 2011).