A seedling comes in being when a seed germinates, but the point at which it ceases to be a seedling is much less clear (Fenner, 1987). Seed and seedling traits vary strongly across the tropical forest biome to cope with the variations in the distribution and amount of rainfall, light, temperature and soil nutrient regimes. Seedlings of monocots are much more diverse than those of other angiosperms, often with much derived character. This makes morphological interpretation difficult (Tillich, 2007). Seedlings r and Turner (1933), Hitchcock (1936), Undersnder et al. A seedling is helpful in assessing the natural regeneration of an ecosystem and is of great importance to the forest planners. Recognition of plants by their vegetative characters is essential in the development of a sound pasture-improvement program. In this program, the first step is to recognize the pest. Control measures depend upon accurate identification. Grasses occurring as weeds are difficult to be identified in their vegetative stage. Many grasses do not flower until late in the growing season. By this time they already have had an impact on the associated growing crop yields. Removal of grass seedling at an earlier stage is important because smaller grasses are easy to be removed and they require very small dosage of herbicides. So greater control can be achieved while minimizing control costs.