The Care Circle Network (CCN) is "care collaboration on steroids" and a huge leap forward in the evolution of care and business models. CCNs were designed to address the limited human and financial resources available in healthcare system, the growing care needs of an increasingly aging population, and the opportunities for care resources that lie in the latent capacity within communities. The CCN is supported by a "light" management infrastructure that takes the hassles and workload of resource management off the physicians' practice, allowing clinicians to focus on patient care and care plan oversight. Dynamic capacity analysis, matching, and management (DCAMM) was meant to be an alternative to the relatively "static" analytical and process improvement methodologies healthcare adopted from manufacturing industries. Health ownership is simply a more intense level of relationship with one's body, care, and caregivers. The Five Pillars of healthcare capacity optimization are the optimization of quality and outcomes, access, capacity, cost reduction, and participant gratification.