We have referred frequently throughout the various chapters of this book to the significant use of computers for the examination and quantification of the microstructure of materials. Figure 8.1 shows schematically the various ways a computer can be interfaced with an instrument that is used to evaluate microstructure. We do not propose to provide either a detailed or a comprehensive review of computer systems and processing techniques, but rather the purpose is to give a simple overview of some of the underlying philosophy adopted in the application of computers to microstructural investigation techniques and their evaluation. This can be addressed by considering the major areas where computers can be and are applied: (i) instrument control, (ii) instruction, (iii) data acquisition and storage, (iv) data processing and image analysis, (v) image quantification, (vi) data bases, (vii) expert

systems and (viii) simulation. Since it is extremely difficult to provide a comprehensive coverage of these selected topics, each will be addressed by reference to specific examples which we hope will make the reader aware of the potential to be attained from computer systems.