This chapter discusses the basic principles of the ocular motility. It explains two physiological laws such as Sherrington’s law of reciprocal innervation and Hering’s law of binocular innervation, that govern the movement of the ocular. The chapter provides a list of equipment required for performing saccadic and sem testing. It presents the step-by-step procedure for performing the saccadic and sem testing. It also explains how to perform duction testing to: identify muscle underaction, overaction or restriction and establish binocular function. The chapter also discusses the step-by-step procedure for performing the duction testing. A bullet-pointed, step-by-step walk-through of the key steps for the skill, with pearls, are also presented. The chapter then explains how to record eye movement by using standardised notation. It explores an approach and procedure for assessing diplopia, monocular diplopia, and binocular diplopia.