This chapter looks at a variety of conditions that have an effect on either a child's weight, eating tendency or ability to exercise, with details of how and when to obtain further advice. Whilst some conditions can safely be treated at home, other conditions require professional help, which can usually be obtained through the family doctor or health visitor. Most people who are allergic will sufer mild irritating symptoms, but occasionally, in severe allergy, a person can sufer an acute and sometimes life-threatening reaction called anaphylaxis. Anorexia means loss of appetite and is a separate thing from the condition anorexia nervosa, which is covered in the companion book Weight Matters for Young People. Appendicitis usually starts with vague tummy ache and loss of appetite. The pain soon moves down into the bottom right corner and may be accompanied by a slight temperature, vomiting and reluctance to move due to this worsening the pain.