This chapter discusses that the low self-esteem is relevant to many of the personality problems. There are three broad types of personality disorder: immature, mature and odd/eccentric. The 'dissocial personality disorder' label has really stirred up some problems for the medical profession. Yet social deviance and conflict are easily identifiable in the people whereas personal dysfunction and subjective distress are not and this is where dissocial personality disorder differs from other forms of personality difficulty. The 'pickling' of young brains through the use of illicit drugs also prevents brain and personality maturation. Slow wave EEG activity and 'positive spikes' in temporal lobes have led some academics to suggest there is a cortical brain immaturity or dysfunction in the temporal lobes and limbic system in people exhibiting immature personality traits. Flattening of affect and indifference to praise and criticism are contained within the diagnostic guidance of the ICD-10 relating to schizoid personality disorder.